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SAC Grant


Presenting Student-Athletes the Opportunity

To succeed, to experience, to lead

The IHSAA Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is a committee made up of 18 student-athletes from the 400+ member schools, serving as student-representatives with respect to school size, demographics, geographical location, and other factors to ensure a diverse representation of all students the IHSAA serves. 

First developed in 2002, the IHSAA saw the need to hear directly from student-athletes around our state and present opportunities for them to develop transferable skills. As the SAC began to grow, their actions began to impact more students and communities around the state, leading to additional opportunities for the next class of students. 


Bringing the Student Advisory Committee to Schools

Through the work of these amazing students, the impact of the Student Advisory Committee was immediately felt throughout the state, leading to many schools developing – or wanting to develop – their own SAC group.

Seeing the benefit of this program in member schools, and the desire from schools to bring this program to their students, the IHSAA Foundation first made resources available to member schools to start their own Student Advisory Committee in 2022. Specifically, awarding a grant to assist schools who struggled with budgetary constraints. 

Grant Opportunities to Start a SAC at Your School

Grant Eligibility

IHSAA member schools who do not currently have a Student Advisory Committee are eligible to apply for financial support through the IHSAA Foundation. 

Fulfillment Requirements

  • Recipients must select a group of at least six student-athlete leaders.
    • Must be rising juniors and seniors
    • Must be comprised of at least three juniors and three seniors
    • Must be from six different IHSAA sanctioned sports
  • Recipients must bring at least six members of the student advisory committee to the IHSAA's Student Leadership Conference
  • A representative of the athletic department must register and attend a Fall Principal Meeting
  • During School Year:
    • Recipients must host a minimum of six meetings at your school
    • Recipients must complete at least one community service project or unity event as a group

Distribution Terms

The grant will be distributed in two installments:

  1. The first installment will be sent once student representatives and an athletic administrator have registered and attended the IHSAA Student Leadership Conference
  2. The second installment will be sent following attendance by the athletic administrator at a Fall Principal Meeting

Current Grant Recipients

Centerville High School

Shane Osting, Athletic Director

Crothersville High School

Jacob Dunn, Athletic Director

Frankfort High School

Ed Niehaus, Athletic Director

Lafayette Central Catholic High School

Tim Bordenet, Athletic Director

Lawrence Central High School

Mike Connors, Assistant Athletic Director

Purdue Polytechnic High School

Josh Bowling, Athletic Director

South Adams High School

Jason Arnold, Athletic Director

Switzerland County High School

Brian Graham, Athletic Director

Tell City High School

John Lyons, Athletic Director

Traders Point Christian Academy

Kayla Wiatt, Athletic Director

Learn more about the IHSAA's Student Advisory Committee

Attend the Student Leadership Conference